How It Works

What Therapist Insight Groups offer YOU

  • NO frustrating commutes, NO high cost of consultation, NO failed attempts at coordinating a group with other therapists’ busy schedules

  • feedback, insight, and inspiration about your work with clients

  • new ways of viewing your clients and your work as a therapist

  • deeper exposure to other modalities and interventions

  • a connected, supportive space with other therapists who understand

  • a chance for referrals

  • connections with members of your Insight Group outside of meetings

What does an insight meeting look like?

We retained all the great aspects of group supervision, but without a designated “authority” in the room. Groups are moderated by a seasoned therapist and attended by therapists offering insight and input on your clients.

We discuss our clients, therapy modalities, interventions, new research, resources, and share aspects of how our personal journey as a therapist is going. Priority is given to case discussions in each meeting as our primary goal is to provide support, insight, and inspiration for the work we are doing with our clients. Meetings are moderated to provide structure and “direct traffic”.

Groups are scheduled twice each month for 75min

You will be assigned a group based on the preferences indicated in your application. Each insight group meets every other week for 75 minutes. You are welcome to attend one or both meetings each month. Since your group’s meeting day and time does not change, it will be easier to plan your schedule around it. If you need to miss a meeting, no problem! You don’t have to wait long for the next one!

Introduction fee is $25/mo for first 2 months

Ongoing member fee is only $99/month

You don’t have to pay high fees to have access to great insight, ideas, and inspiration for the work you do with clients. There are no hidden fees or add-ons. You have access to all meetings of your group every month. We require a 6 month commitment after the introduction period so each group can form deeper connection and comfort with other members.